The official Constitution & Bylaws can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking download. The web version follows, please consider the web document to the the official version.
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The official Constitution & Bylaws can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking download. The web version follows, please consider the web document to the the official version.
The 220 Mhz Guys Amateur Radio Club Chicago, I l l i n o i s
Last Revised - (9/05/15)
To promote and further the Amateur Radio hobby, to drive technical innovation and to provide emergency communications in times of need and to assist our fellow man in times of need, as well as promote for the purposes of encouraging activity, on the 220 Mhz Amateur Radio Band.
We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons interested in Amateur Radio, do hereby constitute ourselves; “The 220 Mhz Guys Amateur Radio Club, Inc.”. hereafter referred to in this document as "the club," and to enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote and encourage technical advancement, excellence and experimentation by its members, to assist members and prospective amateurs in achieving fraternalism and high standards of conduct, and to conduct the club’s programs and activities in such a manner, that will help advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio, both in the community and to support the public safety when called upon to do so. The Club is always to be held as a public service, not-for- profit organization, dedicated to service to the community in which it functions. (i.e., as a volunteer group without compensation to its members or officers for any and all services provided).
SECTION I - The name of this Amateur Radio Club shall be “The 220 Mhz Guys Amateur Radio Club”, herein referred to as “ the club ”.
SECTION II - The purpose of the club is to be prepared and to establish uses for communication in times of emergency, declared or undeclared. To provide through its membership, a dedicated number of Amateur Radio operators for the dissemination and communication of both official and unofficial information in the public interest, when determined desirable by the club officers, or when called upon by any official agency of the City, County, State or Government of the United States of America. In addition to promoting good fellowship among all Amateur Radio Operators, the club will provide both meetings and activities for its members to promote the growth of Amateur Radio. The club will comply with the State and local laws and ordinances relating to alcoholic liquors. The club will also be organized exclusively for charitable, religious, non-religious educational and scientific purposes. This will include the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.
No part of the net earnings of the club shall insure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the club shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the club shall be the carrying on of propaganda/hearsay, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation The club shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the club shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
SECTION I – [[“The Club shall consist of four (4) Officers and five (5) Directors. The officer positions shall be 1-President, 2-Vice-President, 3-Secretary and 4-Treasurer. The Board of Director’s positions shall be Activities/Program Manager, Technical/Emergency Coordinator, and Net-Manager. These Officers & Directors shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Officers & Directors will be elected by ballot of the members present provided there is a quorum, at the first meeting in November, with new officers assuming their duties at the first meeting in January. All voting shall be by secret ballot or, upon vote of the membership, by acclamation. Candidates for office may be nominated from the floor at any time during the meeting prior to balloting. Elected Officers & Directors may succeed themselves indefinitely if nominated and elected by majority vote of members present, The Officers term of office shall expire after 4 years. In the event there are not enough Officers & Directors to complete the Executive Committee, a member may be selected by the nominating committee to serve on the Executive Committee. The term for Directors will be for a period of 2 years.”]]
(The text above, in italics/bold and in between double brackets, is meant to be struck through. This text has been replaced with the following amended text: “The Club shall consist of four (4) Officers and three (3) Directors. The Officer positions shall be 1-President, 2-Vice-President, 3-Secretary and 4-Treasurer. All positions shall be for a term of 2 years. The election of officers shall be held during the club’s November general meeting by ballot of the members present provided there is a quorum, with new officers assuming their duties January 1 of the following year. Elections for Directors will be held on odd number years and officers Elections will be held on even number years. (Text Amended: November 2020)”)
SECTION II – Officers and Directors shall be elected by ballot of a simple majority of those members present at the first regular meeting in the month of November and shall take office at the first meeting in January.
SECTION III - Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by the Vice-President. He or She shall assume the duties of the vacated position in addition to the duties outlined in Article III Section 2 of this Constitution.
Nominations for vacated positions will be taken at the same meeting that the notification of the vacated position was made to the membership and in addition to the next general meeting. The special election will be held at the second general meeting, following notification to the membership as set forth within this constitution.
SECTION IV – Officers & Directors may be removed for cause upon a motion of two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a regular or called meeting, provided all members have been notified in advance by mail or e- mail. The email address will always be used as the notification address is located on the member’s, membership application on file with the club Secretary.
SECTION V – Any person wishing to run for a position on the Executive Committee, must have been a member of the club in good standing for at least 2 years prior to the election for the position in which they intend to run.
SECTION VI – No Officer or Director of the club may be related in any way to another Officer or Director currently in office. (Removed: 11-2016)
SECTION VII – If an Officer or Director misses three (3) consecutive membership meetings, the Executive Committee and membership shall consider that position vacant, if no reasonable cause or valid excuse is provided.
SECTION VIII – The Executive Committee shall consist of all elected or appointed officers of the club.
SECTION IX – Nominees for President shall have served as an elected Officer for a minimum of one year to qualify for nomination.
GENERAL - No salaries or other compensation shall be paid to any Officer or Director of the club. No expenses except normal, recurring operating expenses (e.g., electric, insurance, property lease, etc.) may be obligated by any Officer, Director or member of the club without prior approval of the membership. The Executive Committee may obligate funds that are not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for extraordinary or emergency purposes. Each Officer & Director of the club shall sign an Affidavit stating that they or any family, relatives, or dependents shall receive no compensation or salary while in office from activities or programs, which the club may sponsor or be affiliated with. This Affidavit must be signed prior to assuming any office or position within the club. Failure to do so will be considered forfeiture of the office position held. These affidavits shall be held by the Secretary. The Officers & Directors of the club shall perform such duties as set forth in the Constitution and its By-Laws.
SECTION I - The President (Officer 1-4) shall preside at all meetings of the club and the Executive Committee. All shall conduct themselves according to the rules adopted; he or she shall enforce observance of this Constitution and Bylaws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents adopted by the club and perform the customary duties of the Office of the President. The President shall appoint those offices necessary to accomplish the goals of the club as set forth in this Constitution and its Bylaws. In the event of a vacancy in any office during the term, the President can appoint a full member to fill the office, with the temporary approval of the Executive Committee, or he may call for a Special vote to be held at the next general meeting to fill the vacancy. This Officer shall hold the office for the balance of the term, and have all rights and privileges of said Office. The President shall appoint a person to act a Parliamentarian to decide all questions of order in the conduct of club meetings, appoint committees, and perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of the President. At the end of the President’s term in office. The club shall become part of the Board of Directors and shall have all been granted, all rights and privileges for that position. For clarification purposes, he or she will NOT be given by the Club, Life-Membership status.
SECTION II - The Vice-President (Officer 2-4) will assume all the duties of the President in his absence of the latter and in the event of a vacancy occurring in that office, he or she shall fulfill the remaining term of the Office of the President as set forth in this Constitution, the By-Laws and Roberts Rules of Order. The Vice-President shall be a Liaison Officer to other clubs.
SECTION III - The Secretary (Officer 3-4) shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings by any means at his or her disposal (Hand, Voice Recorder, Video) etc. and make them available for inspection by the club membership He or she will keep a roll of the membership, submit applications for membership, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and notify each member of every meeting of the club, except when excused by action of the Bylaws. The Secretary shall be custodian of the club Seal. The Secretary shall see that all present at meetings are authorized to be there, and also be the official time keeper of meeting, events, and outings.
SECTION IV – The Treasurer (Officer 4-4) shall be the custodian of all monies received and hold receipts for all monies paid to the club and keep an accurate account of all monies & receipts received and expended. He or she shall issue receipts for all monies collected. He or she shall pay regular bills, special bills or expenditures when properly authorized by the Executive Committee. At each meeting, he or she shall make a report to the membership and submit an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements for membership review. He or she shall, at the expiration of their term, turn over to their successor everything in their possession belonging to the club. The Treasurer shall inform the Secretary of all dues, payments assets & debits, in a timely manner. The Signing of any check or removal, transfer, etc. of any funds will require ONLY the signature of the President, Vice President OR the current Treasurer after The Board’s approval. Only Prefunded & Board Approved bank credit or debit cards with limits are to be issued!
SECTION V - The Activities Manager shall organize the club’s radio operations activities, as well as plan and recommend contests and other events, (excluding Field Day - See Section IX below) which will benefit and advance the club’s general interests. He or she shall encourage new stations to report activities to the club’s Newsletter Editor, Website Facilitator and the Section Communications Manager of the American Radio Relay League. These proposed activities shall include all aspects that will enhance the reputation of the club and Amateur Radio activities in the community. They are to be seen as visible and outstanding to their respective purpose. He or she shall appoint assistants and/or committees as they deem necessary to aid in any or all operations and activities that are undertaken.
SECTION VI - The Emergency Coordinator (EC) shall be a close liaison with the ARRL EC or Section EC to the fullest extent possible for the purpose of the club’s participation in nationally and locally recognized radio emergency services. The EC shall remain informed by questionnaires or other means, as to the equipment, normal operating frequencies, hours and types of operation of those members who possess station equipment, to facilitate emergency organization. Further, the EC shall serve as liaison between the club and municipal, state, and national authorities on matters related to Emergency Communications, in times of emergencies. He or she shall coordinate those activities of the club as a means to provide the maximum communications and services possible. The EC shall appoint those assistants necessary to aid in his or her duties as they see fit. In addition to the above listed duties, the EC shall have informational responsibility to the following areas: Technical Committee, Website, Field Day, and the Clubs Equipment Bank. He or she will also be responsible for the issuance and return of equipment in Club’s Equipment Bank. He or she shall maintain an inventory of such properties and shall provide an itemized list of such properties and their condition to the Executive Committee once a year or when requested. He or she will make ALL information available to their successor upon exiting from position.
SECTION VII - The Net Coordinator (NC) shall be in charge of all the Nets that are held by the club. The NC shall appoint those assistants necessary to aid in their duties. Furnish any scripts, logs, forms, etc. for the purposes of performing a net. He or she shall appoint those committees or assistants necessary, to aid in specific activities, including that of any or all Net Control Operators.
SECTION VIII - The Duties of Sergeant at Arms (SA) shall be responsible for disciplining and or ejecting any unruly attendees. He or she shall be responsible for checking-in any members & guests at meetings via sign-in form and personal greeting. He or she will also be responsible of ensuring members who receive a voting ballot are authorized to vote. When he or she attends all General & Board meetings, trips & outings, he or she will be responsible for assisting in enforcing the club’s rules, regulations and policies. Also, he or she must be available to all leaders for any needed help. The Sergeant at Arms will also be responsible for the club flag and to make sure that it is present at all club meetings and activities.
SECTION IX - The Duties of the Field Day Organizing (FDOL) shall be responsible for administering duties and tasks to those on the committee. This should include but not limited to…
- Searching for & securing a Field Day sight.
- Securing any and all of the Insurance documentation required by the selected sight.
- Providing the Field Day sight host with proper payments, deposits, fee’s, etc. as required.
- Reviewing the Host Sight rules and regulations with all participants. Any additional fees or fines are to be paid by the person(s) in violation of any rules set forth and are NOT the club’s responsibility.
- Determining the number of people, stations and classification of the club Field Day activity.
- Submitting to the A.R.R.L. the club intention to participate in the Field Day event.
- Informing the club’s Newspaper Editor and Website Facilitator of any pertinent information regarding the event in an effort to keep members and participants advised and up to date regarding the event status.
- Be sure that at least one hard copy of the Field Day Rules are provided at the site as required, for any requested reviews and/or clarifications, for the purpose of conducting the event within the proper guidelines set forth by the A.R.R.L.
- Provide a general list of fee’s food, beverage, toiletry, personal items, etc. that might be required for each participant as various levels of accommodations will exist depending on the sight selected and the participants intentions of participation. The club is NOT responsible for providing any of these items.
- Make sure that the host’s sight is left clean an orderly upon the conclusion and exiting of the sight.
- Gather, organize and submit logs (in one of the proper formats specified) to the A.R.R.L. for the club’s
inclusion of participation in the Field Day event.
- Prepare a report for the Board to be submitted and discussed at the next scheduled board meeting following the event. It will include a general synopsis of the Field Day event. This report is to include the positives, negatives and most importantly the “Lessons Learned” during the event. The report is to include any safety, health & welfare and operational activities both positive and negative. This is only for the purposes of making future event operations perform more safely & proficiently.
SECTION X - A nominating committee consisting of three (3) members shall be appointed by the President at the September meeting. The nominating committee will present to the members at the October meeting, a slate of Officers for the coming year. Other nominations may be made at this meeting. Election of Officers will be held at the November meeting. Other nominations may also be made at this meeting. If there are no nominations other than the slate presented by the nominating committee, the Secretary shall cast a unanimous ballot for these nominees. If other nominations are made, the Secretary shall prepare a ballot for voting by the members present.
SECTION XI - Voting ballots shall be counted by three members in good standing with the club. Two of which will count the ballots, and the third will certify the vote count. The Sergeant at Arms shall guard the ballots and secure the area where the vote count is being made. No Officer, Director or Nominee shall be allowed into the ballot counting area. NO EXCEPTIONS! If any access is given, granted or obtained, the vote shall be deemed invalid! A recount or revote will then be invoked as deemed necessary.
SECTION XII - Standing Committees:
Disposition of Funds
SECTION I - The Executive Committee shall prepare a budget for regular & foreseen extra expenses at the beginning of the calendar year.
SECTION II - All monies received from initiation fees, dues or other sources shall be used to pay the regular expenses of the Club. Any and all other expenses shall have the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
SECTION III - Any & all funds received will be used to pay Board approved expenses. Authorized signature is required ONLY of that of the President, Vice-President OR Treasurer. The Signing of any check or removal, transfer, etc. of any funds also will ONLY require the signature of the President, Vice President OR the current Treasurer, after The Board’s approval. Only Prefunded & Board Approved bank credit or debit cards with limits are to be issued!
SECTION IV – The Club’s financial books shall be audited annually by three President appointed members, of which must be approved by the Executive Committee. One of these three members must be a Director of the club. The audit is to occur immediately after the January meeting by the appointed committee. This committee shall report to the membership their findings at the February General Meeting.
SECTION I - Members who conduct themselves in a manner considered to be detrimental to the Club shall be subject to expulsion by a majority vote of members present, after due hearing before the Executive Committee.
SECTION I - In the years forward from the founding of the Club, certain members may be elected as Life Members of the Club. These members are selected for their outstanding service and contributions to the Club .These members will be nominated by a Club Member or, by submitting their recommendation to the Executive Committee.
SECTION II - The Executive Committee will review each case and if the majority of the Executive Committee agrees with the recommendation, the President will present the recommendation to the membership. The nominated member will be made a Life Member of the Club, with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee. These members are to be considered Full Members will all voting privileges. Life Members will be exempt from paying dues or assessments for their lifetime. (Reference Article II, Section III of The Club’s Bylaws)
SECTION I – The Club shall enact appropriate rules to minimize interference in operations between stations of its members. The Club shall formulate adequate plans for disposition of cases of interference to other radio services (where reported) or caused by any amateur station operation in the area of the Club’s responsibility. The Club, through designated Interference, Public Relations, and Activities committees, will provide technical assistance and advice to members concerning equipment design and operation, and assist in frequency observance, pure emissions, and uniform operating practices of the Club member stations. The Club shall also maintain a program to foster and guide public relations in those channels favorable to Amateur Radio operations & activities.
SECTION I - Any member whose Federal Communications Commission-issued Amateur Radio license is suspended or revoked with cause or who is assessed a fine or other penalty by the FCC shall after a 2/3 vote by the Executive Committee be removed from membership in the Club.
SECTION II - Any member who operates his or her station in violation of Part 97 of the FCC Rules and Regulations, and who does not cease and desist from the aforementioned violations, may have their membership removed from the Club after a vote of 2/3 of the Executive Committee.
SECTION III - Any member who causes adverse publicity to Amateur Radio or the Club may be removed from membership after a vote of 2/3 of the Executive Committee.
SECTION IV – Any member, including officers, whose annual dues are in arrears, will remain in the roster for 12 months from the original start month of their respective membership. If the dues are not received within 60 days, the membership will not be reinstated for 90 days from the date of the delinquency. In addition, he or she will be losing his or her right to vote and hold office. The Treasurer shall read the names and calls of all delinquent members at each regular meeting.
SECTION V - Any member desiring to bring charges against a fellow member shall appear before the Executive Committee and present the facts. The Committee shall investigate the aforementioned "charges" and rule on the case. The decision of the Committee shall be final. All records of arbitration shall be sealed, except for the resolution or decision of the Committee.
SECTION VI – Officers & Directors may be removed by a (2/3) majority vote of those present and voting at any properly called meeting at which a voting quorum is present. A motion to remove an Officer or Director of the Club must be made one month prior to the date at which the removal vote will occur.
SECTION VII – Any Member, Director or Officer, who is charged and found guilty of Conduct Unbecoming a Member may be removed from membership within the club after a 2/3 vote by the Executive Committee.
SECTION VIII – A Member/Officer may be expelled by special resolution passed at a General Meeting provided that:
a) At least 15 days’ notice of a special resolution is given to a member along with a brief statement of the reason or reasons for the proposed expulsion.
b) The person who is the subject of the special resolution is given to opportunity to be heard prior to the vote being taken.
c) The person who was subject to the expulsion resolution is given notice of the results of the resolution by registered mail at the address on file as soon as possible after the vote is taken.
SECTION I - This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present at a regular or called meeting provided all members have been notified by mail or email on file of the intent to amend this Constitution and Bylaws at said meeting.
SECTION II – Proposals for amendments to this Constitution or the By-Laws must be typed up and have at least 10 member signatures before it can be presented to the Club at a regular meeting. A vote shall be taken at the next regular meeting provided all members have been notified by mail or publication in the Club Newsletter of the intent to amend the Constitution or By-Laws at said meeting. A passing vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the members present shall be necessary for the adoption of said changes. Each member shall be responsible for returning their ballot to the Secretary prior to tabulation at the meeting.
SECTION III – A copy of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be made available to each person on becoming a member of the Club. The Secretary shall keep an up to date copy of the Constitution and Bylaws for review at each meeting.
SECTION I - All equipment installed for the Club use shall become the Club’s Property by either donation or purchase with a signed receipt by both a Board Member and the issuer. This does not include equipment which is specifically loaned to the Club for temporary use. Equipment belonging to the Club may be sold subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Funds derived from the deposition of the Club’s property shall revert to the fund from which it was purchased. All of the Club’s property shall be properly identified with a non-removable Property number and the Club’s name. This information will be used for the Club’s inventory and ownership. This information will be kept by the Club’s Secretary and the Technical Coordinator. This information will be used for determining the Club’s net worth.
SECTION I – The rules of order shall be governed by the Constitution, By-Laws & Roberts Rules of Order when not in conflict therewith. They are to be used to conduct the business of the Club in a fair, orderly and expeditious manner.
SECTION II - The Chair will control the meeting to be fair to the majority of the members and to keep the meeting moving along to cover the agenda for the meeting.
SECTION III - If required, the Chair may ask that a member who wishes to speak be recognized before speaking. Only one person can speak at one time. Simple courtesy should be the guide when addressing other members.
SECTION IV - Any full member may make a motion. Any full member may second the motion. All members may engage in the discussion of the motion in the prescribed orderly fashion. Full members may vote on the seconded motion.
SECTION V - The main motion must be seconded for it to be voted on. After a reasonable time for discussion, the chair will call for a vote on the motion. The chair will announce the results of the vote.
SECTION VI - Only one main motion may be before the assembly at any one time.
SECTION VII - The member who made the original motion may withdraw his or her motion. The chair will call for a vote on the motion to withdraw.
SECTION VIII - While the main motion is before the assembly, a motion may be made to modify the main motion. After a second to this motion and possibly a discussion, the chair will call for a vote on the tabled motion. If the vote on this motion passes, the main motion is modified.
SECTION IX - A motion may be made to call for a vote on the main motion, to cut off all further discussion of the main motion. The motion must be seconded and pass by a two-thirds vote.
SECTION X - A motion may be made to lay the main motion on the table. The motion must be seconded and pass by majority vote.
SECTION XI - A motion to adjourn the meeting may be made. The motion must be seconded and passed by majority vote. If a main motion is before the assembly it is automatically laid on the table for consideration at the next scheduled meeting.
SECTION XII – During meetings of any type, all members will be seated. Otherwise, the meeting will not be held until the member returns to his or her seat.
SECTION XIII – All of the Club station(s) that fall under The 220Mhz Guys, shall at all times operate the Club Station(s) & activities in adherence to the FCC rules and regulations, which cover such operations under rules and regulations Part 97. At NO time shall any respective license class, at any time, for any purpose, unless supervised by a licensed amateur with privileges for band segments in use, operate outside of their respective license class privileges as provided for in Part 97.
SECTION I - Upon dissolution of The 220 Mhz. Guys Amateur Radio Club Inc., the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purpose of the corporation in such a manor, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, literary, or scientific purpose as shall at the time qualify, as an exempt Organization or Organizations, under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax Code, or shall be distributed to the Federal Government, or to a State or Local Government, for public purpose.
SECTION I - The Officers, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and the members of the Corporation shall not be liable for the corporate debts.
SECTION I – The Executive Committee of the Club recognizes that A.R.E.S. is an important part of Amateur Radio dedicated to the public service to the community, in such programs as Skywarn, providing radio communications during emergencies, etc. Although A.R.E.S. is not specifically part of “the Club’s” structure, many of its members may be part of A.R.E.S. and therefore the Club supports A.R.E.S. activities.
SECTION II – The Club, at its discretion, may choose to provide the group with equipment and other resources upon requests received from the Local A.R.E.S. Coordinator or the EC of the Club. Any equipment used, purchased or donated to A.R.E.S. remains the property of the Club – as outlined in Article X, Section I above.
SECTION I – A vital and important part of our growth in Amateur Radio comes about with the Volunteer Examiner (V.E.) program allowing for testing of new licensee’s and upgrades to Ham’s already licensed. The V.E. program has no requirement for a V.E. to have a club affiliation. However, some members of the Club do participate as volunteers locally.
SECTION II – Although there are members of the Club who conduct tests locally, the Club currently has a formal V.E. Test Team & Program that is financially separate & self-sufficient. The Club also currently sponsors V.E. sessions conducted locally. The Club’s V.E. Testing sessions & V.E. Liaison shall be in full control of the sessions. The Board of the V.E Team’s shall only advise the Club’s Board of the V.E. Team’s actions.
SECTION III – If a V.E. session applicant that is not currently a licensed Novice and passes the Technician Exam administered by the Club’s V.E. Team, he or she shall be granted a Temporary Membership to the Club upon completion of the necessary paperwork, free of charge!
SECTION I – Whenever a member of the Executive Committee is advised of a serious illness or death of a member or their spouse, they will so advise the President. The President and/or Secretary will have the authority to take whatever action they deem appropriate at that time and so advise the membership at the next meeting.
SECTION I -. A person shall cease to be a member of the Club by delivering his resignation to the Club Secretary, by email from the e-mail address on file, or by US Mail to the Club’s published Postal Address. If the e-mail is received from an e-mail address NOT on file, the Secretary shall deem this message as SPAM and disregard it. No refunds will be given.
SECTION II - A person shall cease to be a member of the Club upon his or her death or in the case of the corporation, upon its dissolution. No refunds will be given.
SECTION III – A person shall cease to be a member of the club upon being expelled or upon having not been a member in good standing for two consecutive months. No refunds will be given.
Borrowing of Power
SECTION I – The club shall not borrow monies unless authorized by a special resolution, at a special meeting, convened for that purpose. NO EXCEPTIONS!
SECTION I – The club will offer scholarships (if funds are available) for higher learning to the immediate family members of the club members in good standing for at least two (2) successive years of membership. Applicants will be advised at the time of the request for application if the club has adequate financial resources to award an applicant any scholarship funds. The application period for the scholarship, shall open on October 1 and end promptly the following February 1. Award Winners will be notified by US mail by mid-May. The following are the requirements as listed for the applicant to follow.
- The student shall be licensed as a Technician Class Amateur Radio Operator or higher and a US Citizen.
- The applicant shall be a resident in the FCC Ninth Call district, (IN, IL and WI).
- The Curricular Preference shall be Post-Secondary course of Study also the GPA will be a minimum of 3.0.
-The Institution shall be an accredited Two or Four Year College or Trade School.
Section II – All applications shall be delivered to the Secretary of the club. The Secretary shall forward these applications to the Board of Directors for its approval.
Club Call Sign - WM9W
SECTION I – The club’s Station Trustee shall keep the records, apply to the FCC for the License and renewals and keep the Officers posted on matters affecting the License.
SECTION II – The use of the club Call Sign in any radio operation without notification of the Trustee and the express consent of the club President or a majority of the Board of Directors, is forbidden.
SECTION III – A photo copy of the club’s License shall be part of the files of the club Secretary.
Meeting Agenda Format
SECTION I -The following is the General Agenda/Order of Business for all of The 220 Mhz. Guys Monthly Meetings:
(a) Attendance Sheet
(b) Call to Order
(c) Pledge of Allegiance
(d) Visitor Recognition
(e) Reading of the minutes of the last general and special meeting of the organization.
(f) Reports of Officers.
(g) Reports of Committees.
(h) Business submitted by the Board of Directors or the President.
(I) Unfinished business.
(j) New business.
(k) Resolutions submitted by members.
(l) Refreshments
(m) Adjournment
(n) Monthly Program
The territory, in which the operations of the Corporation are principally to be conducted, is the United States of America, its territories and possessions. But the operations of the Corporation shall not be limited to such territory.
The Name of the Agent of the Corporation is: Walter J. Rymarczyk
Whose Address is: 2650 N. Lakeview Ave. #1407 Chicago, IL. 60614
The names of the persons who shall serve as the club Officers until the first annual meeting of members or until their successors have been elected and qualified, are as follows:
Kelvin J. Jackson (W9BBQ) Steven E. Hill (KB9DSQ)
11300 South Lowe Avenue 2230 South 17th Avenue
Chicago, IL. 60628 Broadview, IL. 60155
Signed: Kelvin J. Jackson * Signed: Steven E. Hill *
David J. Kossart (KB9EPL) Walter J. Rymarczyk (KC9SYX)
9225 Pembroke Lane 2650 North Lakeview Ave. #1407
Bridgeview, IL. 60455 Chicago, IL. 60614
Signed: David J. Kossart * Signed: Walter J. Rymarczyk *
The 220 MHZ Guys Amateur Radio Club
Proposed: September 2011
Adopted: November 18, 2011
Last Revised - (9/05/15)
BYLAWS of The 220 Mhz Guys Amateur Radio Club
Chicago, I l l i n o i s
SECTION I - Any person, without regard to race, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation or physical impairment, interested in Amateur Radio shall be eligible for membership in the Club. Membership shall be by application and election upon such terms as the Club, by its bylaws, shall provide.
SECTION II –The Club’s membership shall consist of the following levels; Full members, Associate members, Family members and Temporary members.
SECTION III - Full Members must hold a valid Amateur Radio operator's license and shall enjoy voting privileges in all of the Club’s general business.
SECTION IV - Associate Members may or may not hold valid Amateur Radio operator's license. These members are solely for the purposes of supporting the club, its activities and its repeaters. Associate Members shall not enjoy voting privileges. Non-licensed Associate Members that become licensed will receive Temporary Membership status after the Associate Membership expires. After which, the member can choose which membership level they would like to pursue and pay the required membership fee for that selected level.
SECTION V – Family Members up to the age of 18 will enjoy the same privileges as a Full Member but shall not have a vote, and will have a reduced membership rate.
SECTION VI - Temporary Memberships are not to exceed three months, will be granted to newly licensed amateurs in order to introduce them to the Club membership and proceedings.
SECTION VII – Life Memberships are NOT to be granted to the founders of the club that were present for the incorporation date of 11/18/2011. These members will be assessed the normal membership fees of the Club. However, the founders will NOT be exempt from the privileges afforded them, as are General Members, under the provisions set forth in Article VI of the Club’s Constitution & Article II, Section III of the Club’s Bylaws.
These founders include:
Kelvin J. Jackson (W9BBQ) Steven J. Hill (KB9DSQ)
David J. Kossart (KB9EPL) Walter J. Rymarczyk (KC9SYX)
Each Member of the Club who has been a member in good standing and reaches twenty-five (25) consecutive
years of Full Membership in good standing, shall be automatically be granted a FREE Life Membership.
SECTION VIII - A written Application for membership shall be submitted at a regular meeting with the membership dues, along with a copy of the current Amateur Radio License. (Excluding Associate Membership) If a member upgrades he shall forward a copy of the license to the Club Secretary who shall keep the license on file.
SECTION IX – All members will follow the Amateur Radio Code as listed in Appendix I.
SECTION I – The Club membership, by two-thirds majority vote of members present at a regular or called meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail of intent, may levy upon the General Membership such dues or assessments deemed necessary for the organization within its objectives set forth in the Preamble thereof. Non- payment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the Club within the discretion of the membership.
SECTION II – Senior citizens (age 65 and older), people under 18 years of age and handicapped individuals who, by their infirmity, shall be assessed membership dues at a reduced rate (determined by the Board) of the full membership annual rate in effect.
SECTION III – The Executive Committee may nominate a person to Lifetime Membership for outstanding service to Club or the community, no matter where the nominee may reside. The final decision shall be made by a two-thirds majority vote of Club’s membership. (Refer to The Club’s Constitution Article VI, Sections I & II)
SECTION IV – A schedule of dues shall be published in Club’s newsletter, The Good Guys Gazette, by Membership email and on “the Club’s” website each December. Annual dues shall be payable in January. No refunds will be given to any members who relinquish their membership before it expires.
SECTION V – All expenditures except normal operating expenses, over One-Hundred Dollars ($100.00) must meet with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at any meeting provided that there is a quorum and approval of at least two (2) Officers. This approval is only valid for 30 days.
SECTION VI – As approved by the membership, “the Club” will maintain a minimum balance of five-hundred dollars ($500.00) in the Club treasurer is authorized to go no lower than forty-five percent (45%) below the current balance to pay necessary expenses such as newsletters, insurance payments or expenses deemed essential to the Club’s operation. The Club Treasurer will assure this policy is followed as written except in cases of emergencies as approved by the membership.
SECTION VII – All checks, drafts and other orders for the payment of monies, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the association shall be signed by an agent of the Association in such a manner as shall be determined from time to time by the resolution of the Executive Committee.
SECTION I - Regular meetings shall be held monthly at a time and place decided by a vote of two-thirds majority of the members present at a regular or called meeting, provided all members have been notified in advance by mail or e-mail of the intention to do so.
SECTION II - Special meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called at the discretion of the President or his designated representative, or upon written request of any five (5) current members.
SECTION III - All proceedings during meetings shall be kept as informal as possible, but where conflicts arise, shall be governed by "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised." which is available over the Internet, for your review.
SECTION IV - Notices shall be sent to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted. Such notices shall be sent via e-mail if on file or via U.S. Mail so that in the ordinary postal delivery time they arrive not less than ten (10) days before the meeting time.
SECTION I - One fifth (1/5) of the paid up membership shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any meeting.
SECTION II – All nominees for any officer/board position cannot nominate themselves.
SECTION III – Only FULL members that are in good standing shall be eligible to vote.
Elections for Directors will be held on odd number years and officers Elections will be held on even number years. All Officers & Directors, the Registered Agent for the club and the Station Trustee, must be licensed Radio Amateurs.
Amateur Code
The Radio Amateur is:
Never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.
Offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is presented nationally and internationally.
With the knowledge abreast of science, a well built and efficient station and operation above reproach.
Slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit.
Radio is an avocation, never interfering with the duties owed to family, job, school or community.
Station and skills always ready for service to the country and community.
Having fun communicating and experimenting - that's what Amateur Radio is all about.
Is a worldwide network of people from various cultures united by a common interest of wireless communications.
Repeater Etiquette
1. To initiate a contact, simply indicate that you are on Frequency. “KX9ZZZ listening” is the usual statement if you are not calling a specific station. When you are done with your QSO, sign off with “KX9ZZZ clear and listening” or just “KX9ZZZ out”.
2. Identify Legally. As a courtesy, you are asked to identify your station at the beginning of each contact. Remember that FCC Rules requires that you identify your station at least every10 minutes during the contact, and at the end of the contact.
3. Pause between Transmissions. Listen for any emergent calls or others, including Echolink, IRLP Stations, etc. who may need to use the repeater or join the conversation.
4. Keep your Transmissions short and thoughtful. A long monologue may prevent someone with emergency traffic from using the repeater. Remember that repeaters have timers that will cut your transmission short if you talk to long.
5. Don’t use the Repeater for LOCAL contacts. If you can carry on a conversation on simplex, please do so, and leave the repeater open for weak stations and mobiles that NEED it.
6. Don’t break into a QSO unless you have an emergency or something to add. Interrupting is just as impolite on the air as it is in person.
7. Repeaters are primarily intended to facilitate mobile communications. This is true especially during rush hours. Base stations should relinquish repeater use to mobile stations.
8. Leave your CB lingo next to your old 11 Meter rig. You worked hard for your Amateur License. Listen a lot and learn how to sound like a licensed Amateur that you now are!
9. Don’t be a Repeater Hog. The dues of all Club Members support the repeaters. Everyone should have equal access to them. If you have much to say, you should use some other frequencies. Also, remember that even your mother wouldn’t want to hear you voice all day long.
10. Support your Repeater. We try to keep all repeaters “open”. If a non-member is a regular user, he or she should be encouraged to help support the Repeater too. Invite your friends who use the repeaters regularly to send a check for membership in the club. The funds collected will be put toward repeater support.
11. Don’t acknowledge or encourage any station causing malicious interference. If necessary, contact a Repeater Control Operator or Trustee.
12. Don’t bring up more than one Repeater. If we share our frequencies with other repeaters. If your transmissions key up more than one repeater, lower your power. It’s inconsiderate to tie up multiple repeaters at the same time.
13. Never argue with a Control Operator over the air. Control Operators have a thankless job. They must police the club’s repeaters as they deem necessary in order to protect the club’s call sign. If you disagree with the actions of a control operator, you should write down your grievance and contact the officers and/or Trustees.
- That the accused did or omitted to do certain acts; and…
- That, under the circumstances, these acts or omissions constituted conduct unbecoming of a member.
(1) Ladies and Gentlemen - As used in this article, “member” includes both male and female Officers, Directors, and General Membership.
(2) Nature of offense - Conduct violation of this article is action or behavior in an official capacity which, in dishonoring or disgracing the person as an Officer/Club Member, seriously compromises the officer’s character as a gentleman, or action or behavior in an unofficial or private capacity which, in dishonoring or disgracing the officer personally, seriously compromises the person’s standing as an officer. There are certain moral attributes common to the ideal officer and the perfect gentleman, a lack of which is indicated by acts of dishonesty, unfair dealing, indecency, indecorum, lawlessness, injustice, or cruelty. Not everyone is or can be expected to meet unrealistically high moral standards, but there is a limit of tolerance based on customs which the personal standards of an officer, cannot fall without seriously compromising the person’s standing as an officer or the person’s character as a gentleman. This article prohibits conduct by an Officer/Director/Club Member, which, taking all the circumstances into consideration is thus compromising. This article includes acts made punishable by any other article, provided these acts amount to conduct unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman. Thus, as an example an Officer who steals property from the Club or another Club Member violates this Article, and so constitutes that the act or omission constitutes conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.
(3) Examples of offenses - Instances of violation of this article include knowingly making a false official statement; using insulting or defamatory language to another Officer/Club Member in that Officer’s presence or about the Club or Officer/Director/Club Members to other persons.
The 220 MHZ Guys Amateur Radio Club
Proposed: September 2011
Adopted: November 18, 2011
Last Revised - (9/05/15)
Below are the Club’s Officers names, signatures and dates of acceptance of the here in most current Constitution & Bylaws of “The 220 Mhz Guys Amateur Radio Club, Inc.” Any changes from this endorsed document can only be changed per the appropriate steps and processes as mandated in this inclusive document. All previous documents are now void and this latest Signed & Dated document is the CURRENT Constitution & Bylaws of “The 220 Mhz Guys Amateur Radio Club, Inc.”
Current Officers and Directors in Acceptance of this revised document dated: September 15, 2015
(Date the last printed or provided by other means for review)
President - Kelvin J. Jackson (W9BBQ) * Vice President - Steven J. Hill (KB9DSQ)* Date: September 18, 2015 Date: September 18, 2015
Treasurer – Richard Bacorn (KB9NTX) * Secretary – Jason D. Graves (KD9CDQ) *
Date: September 18, 2015 Date: September 18, 2015
Director – David J. Kossart (KB9EPL) * Director – Robert Koran (N9JYX) *
Date: September 18, 2015 Date: September 18, 2015
Director – John Plecki (KD9BYW) * Director – Mel Marcus (K9ZAV) *
Date: September 18, 2015 Date: September 18, 2015
This document now accepted by the above signed Officers of the Club on September 18, 2015 and was presented for vote to the General Membership on October 15, 2015. General Membership has accepted based on the original document and current amendments & changes outlined in a separate document which was reviewed with the current General Membership prior to voting.
(Secretary to Initial, Date & Accept) October 15, 2015
This original signed document to be presented to the current Club Secretary and to be secured by The Club Secretary as one of the Clubs documents and made available upon request. Copies of this in full will be made available to all members and those of interest in “The 220 Mhz Guys Amateur Radio Club, Inc.