General Meeting Minutes 

The 220 MHz Guys Amateur Radio Club Inc.

Minutes of the General Meeting of October 12, 2024, at the Zion Lutheran Church and via Zoom

All times indicated herein are approximate.

In attendance were President Laura (KD9EID), Vice President Steve (KB9DSQ), Secretary John (KD9BYW), Director Dave (WB9HWE), Director Brian (KD9EOL), Brandy (KD9SVN), Scott (N9ASI), Nick (WA9MQP), Billy (KD9LQM), Bob (K9UUM), Mike (KC9RDS), Nate (KC9HTA), Jim (W9JGH), and Dawn (KA9ERS).


1247 – Meeting called to order by the President. Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The President welcomed all members and acknowledged guests and thanked them for coming.  

KD9BYW read the minutes from the previous General Meeting. WB9HWE motioned to accept the minutes which was seconded by KA9ERS and passed.

KD9LPW (read by BYW), Treasurer, reported having $4,125 in the treasury and $21.00 in PayPal. WB9HWE motioned to accept the report which was seconded by KD9EID and passed.

WB9HWE, Director, gave the Membership Report that we now have 64 members. We have 22,925 hits on the website, which is an addition of 175 more hits than last month. K9UUM motioned to accept the report which was seconded by KD9EID and passed.

WW9WT, Director and ad hoc Media Technician, reported that he is awaiting information from IDOT regarding Adopt-A-Highway Program. KD9BYW motioned to accept the report which was seconded by WB9HWE and passed.

AC9WM, Technical Coordinator, was absent without notification.

KD9SVN, Winter Field Day Chair, reported that she is in touch with FPDCC. WB9HWE motioned to accept the report which was seconded by K9UUM and passed.

KB9DSQ, Vice President/Net Coordinator reported that there is not much to report but acknowledge that we are still having problems with Echolink/AllStar. KD9EID motioned to accept the report which was seconded by K9UUM and passed.

KD9EID, Webmistress, reports that she is currently updating information. WB9HWE motioned to accept the report which was seconded by KD9BYW and passed.

KD9EID, President, appreciates all the efforts of her crew. Everything else is going well.  WA9MQP motioned to accept the report which was seconded by KA9ERS and passed.

Old business. No further old business.  

New business. President opened the floor to nominations for election in November. No nominations heard. KD9EID closed nominations reminding members nominations can be made up till immediately before elections at the November meeting.

1306 – KD9BYW moved to suspend Article III, Section X of the current Constitution as it pertains to the Nominating Committee, seconded by WA9MQP and passed unanimously.

1309 – WB9HWE moves to bring the Constitution rewrite to vote at the next General meeting and to publish the proposed Constitution in an email to the General Membership, seconded by W9JGH, and passed unanimously.

1315 – KD9EID motioned to adjourn which was seconded by K9UUM and passed. This was followed by immediate adjournment.

Respectfully submitted,

John P. Plecki (KD9BYW), Secretary