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This year, we saw our largest attendance and participation. Our Field Day event has been getting larger every year. Although we did have a few setbacks with the rain on Friday, Saturday morning was beautiful and everyone rallied to get the camp sites setup as well as the stations, so we could be on the air in time for the start of the event.
Since we had no place to camp for the evening, we did what we HAMS do best and that's improvise. A talk-In Station was setup to direct everyone to meet at the local Beggar's Pizza place. The staff there was very accommodating. We stayed and ate lots of pizza, and drank plenty of beverages until closing. At that point, the rain had let up but was still quite intense. From there, some of the people got hotel rooms, and some went back to the site and slept in their cars, campers, etc.
Typically, the attendees that are planning on camping arrive on Friday to setup camp. However, with the constant downpour from about 11:00 AM on Friday until 2:00 AM on Saturday made this not possible. Upon arrival, around 3:00 PM on Friday, it was observed that there was a newly formed creek (Davis Creek??) running through the site! It was very doubtful that the field would be drained & dry enough to camp. To our surprise, upon returning Saturday morning at 5:00 AM, the ground was sufficiently drained, and not overly saturated. Everyone went into hyper mode to set-up camp, stations, and cooking facilities for breakfast.
Everyone pitched in, and we were all setup and ready to go by the official Field Day event start time. Breakfast was a little later than usual, but it didn’t seem to matter since everyone was busy. This actually made sitting down, eating and relaxing for a few minutes, much more satisfying!
This year, we saw our largest attendance and participation. Our Field Day event has been getting larger every year. Although we did have a few setbacks with the rain on Friday, Saturday morning was beautiful and everyone rallied to get the camp sites setup as well as the stations, so we could be on the air in time for the start of the event.
Since we had no place to camp for the evening, we did what we HAMS do best and that's improvise. A talk-In Station was setup to direct everyone to meet at the local Beggar's Pizza place. The staff there was very accommodating. We stayed and ate lots of pizza, and drank plenty of beverages until closing. At that point, the rain had let up but was still quite intense. From there, some of the people got hotel rooms, and some went back to the site and slept in their cars, campers, etc.
Typically, the attendees that are planning on camping arrive on Friday to setup camp. However, with the constant downpour from about 11:00 AM on Friday until 2:00 AM on Saturday made this not possible. Upon arrival, around 3:00 PM on Friday, it was observed that there was a newly formed creek (Davis Creek??) running through the site! It was very doubtful that the field would be drained & dry enough to camp. To our surprise, upon returning Saturday morning at 5:00 AM, the ground was sufficiently drained, and not overly saturated. Everyone went into hyper mode to set-up camp, stations, and cooking facilities for breakfast.
Everyone pitched in, and we were all setup and ready to go by the official Field Day event start time. Breakfast was a little later than usual, but it didn’t seem to matter since everyone was busy. This actually made sitting down, eating and relaxing for a few minutes, much more satisfying!
Cub Scouts On The Air 1. With Steve KB9DSQ.
Cub Scouts On The Air 2. With Steve KB9DSQ.
Cub Scouts On The Air 3. With Steve KB9DSQ.
Cub Scouts On The Air 4. With Steve KB9DSQ.
Cub Scouts On The Air 5. With Steve KB9DSQ.